About Us
NESBA was established to engender and maintain enthusiastic interest in the various phases of music, colorguard, percussion ensembles and music education in our secondary schools. NESBA’s primary thrust is to provide an atmosphere in which education and musicality are of the utmost importance.
Our Executive Team
All positions, on the executive board, are voted on at our annual June meeting. In case of a vacancy in any position the President may assign someone to the board, with the approval of the remaining members of the current Executive Board.
Nominations for the executive board are to be sent to the current President of the organization at least TWO weeks prior to the June meeting.
All positions, except for the position of At Large Band Director, can be filled by either band directors or non-band directors. But it is asked that any one running for any position on the board be familiar with the organization and have participated within the NESBA community.
All elections are decided by simple majority of voting members at the June All Member Meeting.

Kris Demoura
At Large Member

At Large Member

Mark Sachetta
At Large Member
Today, NESBA is proudly represented by some of New England’s finest marching bands, color guards and percussion ensembles in the country.
The purposes of NESBA may be further defined as follows:
- To promote the performance standards and levels of all performing groups.
- To strive for excellence in the musical, visual, and performing arts.
- To stimulate interest, appreciation and understanding of all types of programs.
- To promote pride, enthusiasm and camaraderie amongst all individuals involved in the competitive arena.
- To assist members at all levels of experience to identify areas of mutual concern.
- To provide scholarship assistance to all worthy students.
- To encourage the development of a spirit of friendship and cooperation amongst all participants.