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You're almost done.
You're now a registered member with access to all of our exclusive resources. Check out your account or start browsing resources for your team.
Please mail your check to the address below.
55 Sunnyslope Avenue
Swansea, Massachusetts 02777
You’re almost done. Please log into your CS account and click registration. You will see the following message:
“Membership Required! NESBA requires you to have membership in the 2020 season before you can register for events. Please fill out the membership form here if you haven’t registered for membership yet.”
Please click the word HERE and it will take you to a screen to find your group. Once you have selected it, you will completed the fields on the screen and add any additional groups as necessary and then click the ORANGE Complete Membership to the Right of the screen.
You will be required to put in payment information. Make sure Invoice is the choice and then Click Save Payment Info. You will get a message that says your request has been received. (An invoice will also be e-mailed to the address you provided….you can ignore that) The NESBA will also get notification to mark you as PAID.
Once that has been completed you will be sent a confirmation e-mail and then you may go to Register again atĀ and all the open contest events will show for you to register in.